Today was my first interview ever and I think it went really well! The person I interviewed is named Robert and he a Brit. He went to Cambridge and studied abroad in Beijing at 北大 for a year and is now back getting his master's. We met at my subway station and had a drink at the Bridge cafe nearby (Marketus said that's where the great breakfast is so I'm glad I finally know where it is). We talked for a little bit and then I started the interview.
I was super nervous and fumbled around with my questions but he did really well despite that! I feel like there's enough there for my Ning Qing (my boss) to be able to do something with it but it's really up to her. I still don't know what she's doing with it- all she told me was that she needed a British student and she wanted to know about any hardships encountered, why he/she was in China, and overall experiences and thoughts on China. I told him I'd email him once I knew what it was being used for and when it would air.
He gave me his business card which I'm beginning to realize is a very big deal here. Everyone has business cards- even students! Jules, a lady at my internship, actually has a case that reminds me of my old CD cases that just for business cards.
I also learned that college is cheaper in the U.K. than it is in the U.S. I had heard that somewhere but Robert kind of confirmed it when I told him how much college in Georgia cost and he said that was pretty costly. College in Georgia! Anytime I tell someone in Chicago how much college costs in Georgia they're like "Oh my god- college is so cheap there!" I think I'm going to get my master's in the U.K. Just saying.
He also said that Wudaokou or 五道口 (which is where I live) used to have even more people! Plus, by the train station there's a mall and a small stores all along the street. According to Robert, two years ago when he lived around here the whole street was a market with tons of people! I can't imagine there being even more people here! As it is at 11pm it's like 6 there's so many people out!
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