Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Classes in China

Okay, so Chinese class wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. The little bit of previewing I did was just enough that I made it through the class. I managed to speak enough but I had the hardest time paying attention. I wasn't very focused at all. I seriously need to work on that- probably had something to do with the fact I was hungry. That and the class is almost 3 hours long and psychologists say that after 45 minutes the brain stops taking in information. I really like her teaching style- there's just enough emphasis on grammar and vocabulary that I feel like I'm seeing the whole picture. I love most of all how she writes the words on the board that we don't understand or know off the top of our heads so I can look them up later or at least practice them.
Afterward I was supposed to have an interview about an internship but Marketus, our Resident Director, mistook me for someone else so I was able to sit in our contemporary China class in its entirety. He's definitely a knowledgeable professor with a lot of experience (which he's happy to discuss with anyone and everyone). There's a lot of reading but we only meet once a week so I think I'll be able to manage.
I found out a couple people have been to the dining hall and the food is decent. The prices range from 5 to 13 kuai and rice comes with the meal. I'll have to make sure to eat there tomorrow.
Tonight all of those interested in the internships are meeting someone who's supposed to be in charge of us, I think. I don't know. I kind of hope it's quick because of Chinese homework, plus I need to preview the lesson for tomorrow.

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