Thursday, October 11, 2012

I Might Have Messed Up... Again

So I might have messed up. You see a while ago I met this older man who talked about tea and what not and wanted to talk to me about American politics. He said he would help me with my Chinese. He then asked for my phone number and I agreed because I'm an idiot. He said he'd contact me a week from then. Throughout the week I learn he's been talking to other white girls randomly at the cafeteria and so now I'm freaked out. I answered my phone the second time and he didn't speak in English at all! Even after I reminded him my Chinese wasn't good. We spoke in English when we were together so I was worried maybe he wasn't the same person. Anyway, luckily Xiao Hang (spelled her name wrong last time) was there and translated and told him to text me. He did and wanted to meet that day but I couldn't. I haven't responded since because I'm officially freaked out by him.
And then I'm doing my homework and this guy asks me if I can help him with his English. I say NO (!!!) nicely and he says oh well just for today because that seat is better anyway. I say fine. We sit, we talk, his English is terrible. Eventually he asks for my phone number and I say NO (!!) nicely because he's a stranger. He says he understands and I tell him I do my homework there almost every night so he can see me tomorrow. He tells me this story about a South African dude his friend introduced him to who's supposed to help him with his English but he's "not honest" and basically stands him up. Because of this I give him my email but NOT my number. Afterward he walks me to my building.
Let me say he DOES know I have a boyfriend. In fact he asked me and he asked if he was Chinese. When I said "Zai Meiguo" (在美国)or at America he clapped. At the time I thought he was clapping because he was proud of me for having an American boyfriend and not a Chinese one. Now I wonder if he thinks that means I'm game?
Yesterday I was sick and didn't go so he emailed me asking and I explained. Just read his reply and he said I should get more rest and he'll be waiting for me.....
Why do I put myself in these situations....? I don't even know what kind of situation I'm in and I know I don't want to be in it.

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