Friday, December 7, 2012

Peking Duck in Beijing

First I'd like to say that this blog has gotten more views than my other which has been up since February of this year while this blog started in September. I'm pretty stoked and it clearly shows how much content matters.

Anyway, so our group had decided we really needed to have Peking Duck before we left. (For those of you who don't know, Beijing used to be called "Peking" but changed with the change in pronunciation.) So one night most of got together and walked in the cold for about 15 minutes to this little restaurant to eat three ducks. That's it, we just had three ducks and some tea. Kate tried to get rid of the third duck when she realized not as many people were coming as she thought but apparently they start cooking the duck before you arrive so it was too late. Because they cook before you arrive, it's also very important that you arrive on time for your reservation. By the way, if the reservation part didn't tip you off, Peking duck is pretty expensive.
So we sat down and ordered some tea while we waited for our duck and what they do is a man in a chef's hat actually comes out with the duck on a cart and cuts the duck into tiny slices for the table.
I didn't realize I had my camera on paint mode but it looks cooler this way anyway

Each duck is two plates of slices. Then they also place some steamed pancakes on the table. Apparently, you eat the dish like a burrito with some celery (or other vegetable- I wasn't exactly sure what it was) with some sauce that some compared to Korean BBQ sauce ironically. You put that on the burrito pancake and wrap it up and bam! It was pretty delicious but I wasn't in love with it. I did get a pretty nice shot though, if I do say so myself.
Again, paint mode
We even managed to finish all three ducks so it was a very successful venture!

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